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What steps do I need to take to reach my dream of becoming an Interior Designer?
First, you need drive. You have to want to work! Second, education. My team and I all put our education first by getting advanced degrees, internships, and work experience under our belt before landing our roles as designers.
What do you enjoy about your career?
I love that all of our clients are so excited about their projects and that every day is different.
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Does interior design work allow you to have a social life, too?
Running a design firm is all-consuming, however, I make sure to set aside time for friends and family. Having a balance of incorporating things you love such as cooking, travel, exercise, writing, and photography is important.
What was a hurdle you had to overcome to get to where you are today?
The process of opening a design firm and a retail space requires juggling schedules and people. While we have had to divide and conquer to get the work done, the effort has been worth it.
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What advice would you give to someone considering going into the design and product development field?
Congrats! Interior design, construction, architecture, and product development are fascinating and exciting career choices. When you first look into these paths, take note of why they interest you. Do you like to build things? Put together color palettes and decor? Are you a social person, who likes to solve problems? All of these characteristics are key to developing great working relationships in the interior design industry.
What kind of people do well in the design industry?
Creative, flexible people.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”15711″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]
What kind of work environment do you find yourself drawn to most?
An energetic and collaborative one. Some of our best ideas and most successful projects come from retreats or day-long meetings where we brainstorm and bounce thoughts around. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]